

Spotlighting the incredible work spearheaded by dear friends and organizations within the LGBTQ+ community that I admire and which I’ve had the honor and privilege to collaborate on and participate in.


Lesbians Who Tech

Fireside chat with
Debbie Millman

I had the distinct pleasure of talking with designer Debbie Millman during the Lesbians Who Tech x Squarespace meetup that brought together over 200 LGBTQ+ New York City creatives. The conversation centered around the creative confidence.




Stand Proud

Stand Proud was Squarespace’s 2019 pride celebration showcasing diverse perspectives on what it means to be LGTBQIA+. It is a statement of representation, resilience, resistance, and acceptance speaking to creating a more representative and inclusive community for all.

Photograph by Ryan Pfluger



Play Out

Play Out With Pride

Spotlight interview

For Play Out’s 2018 Play Out With Pride campaign, I sat down with Abby Sugar and Liz Leifer to talk about gender identity, questioning societal norms and the meaning of community.

This campaign was also featured on Women You Should Know.

For more photos, visit Modeling.

Photos by Eric Jukelevics

Photos by Eric Jukelevics



Queer Cut

Style Sessions

QueerCut is an online, gender-free fashion marketplace on a quest to make shopping easier for LGBTQIA+ consumers. I had the joyous opportunity to sit down with the team and chat about my identity, style expression and the challenges of shopping in the world as a queer person.


Let’s Connect!